Nursery Classes
Garden Room - 1 - 3 year olds
Garden Room is home to our 1- 3 year olds. We have built the foundations of our practice on the fundamental understanding of the importance of developing strong and meaningful relationships with our children.
The Nursery has an enthusiastic, kind and highly skilled staff team who provide a caring and nurturing environment in which the children can learn and develop. The staff work hard to ensure that each child’s individual needs and interests are met and that each child feels safe and secure within the Nursery providing them with a secure base from which they can explore and learn.
We have a number of different areas for children to access throughout the Garden Room providing them with access to a wide and varied range of learning opportunities meeting all children's needs. Rooms are generously proportioned, carefully planned and resourced to create inspiring learning environments in which children can grow and learn with confidence. Each room has access to outdoor play areas offering the opportunity for regular outdoor learning opportunities across all areas of the curriculum.
Children also have access to the added provisions of a fully equipment sensory room and soft play room!
Learning opportunities within Garden Room are based predominantly on the Prime Areas of learning as these provide children with fundamental core skills and knowledge required in order to become active, confident learners. The EYFS states that the prime areas are;
crucial for igniting children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive
Garden Room Gallery
Forest Classes 3 - 5 year olds
Forest classes are home to our 3 - 5 year olds. Forest class consists of three rooms, Forest 1, 2 and 3 all of which have shared access to our recently refurbished exciting and inviting outdoor classroom.
All of our classrooms are carefully planned to provide children with high quality, enabling learning environments. Children have access to a broad range of exciting and awe inspiring learning opportunities across all 7 areas of development in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
We understand our duty to get children ‘School Ready’ and although we believe early childhood education is a stage in its own right, i.e., it is not just about getting ready for the next stage, we do believe that learning basic core skills is fundamental to children’s learning experiences. Children are exposed to different early literacy and numeracy activities that provide a secure base for them to build upon as they move through their school life.
Alongside the areas of development children are supported to develop and embed the Characteristics of Effective Learning ensuring they become passionate, resiliant and confident learners.
Here are Broadwaters we follow Read Write Inc a structured program designed to ensure all children learn to read accurately and fluently. On arrival children are exposed to a number of activities to support their speaking, listening, attention and understanding skills. As they continue to secure their fundamental knowledge of communication and language and as soon as children are ready they will be introduced to our phonics program.
Children are divided into family groups according to their specific level of development ensuring that sessions are tailored specifically for them. Please speak to your key person for any further information.