We follow the National Curriculum yearly objectives to plan maths throughout the school using the White Rose Maths scheme. We have looked at the progression of skills across the long term planning for maths and adjusted the order of delivery to best suit our children. In the Early Years we prioritise developing the eight early maths concepts and ensure children a strong depth of knowledge for number and number concepts before moving on. We follow a school calculation policy that develops sequential skills in the four operations. We build on the children’s ability to apply these skills through problem solving and investigation-based learning.
We Ensure that Children:
- Develop early mathematical skills enabling them to become confident mathematicians using a variety of Concrete, Pictoral and Abstract (CPA) models throughout the school, to support and consolidate understanding.
- Establish a thirst for mathematical learning and improving investigative skills, using the maths they have been taught and applying it to other areas of the curriculum.
- Engage with challenging open- ended investigations to consolidate and extend learning.
- Become empowered to support each other to use different digital technologies in their learning.
- Embed mathematical skills to develop a wider breadth of understanding which they can apply to their learning in a range of subjects, and benefit from ‘real life’ maths.