The Willow School and Broadwaters' Children's Centre





Breakfast Club

After School Provision

Bookings and Payments

We have full childcare provision from 7.45 am to 6.00 pm daily, Monday to Thursday (charges apply). We offer childcare from 7.45am until 4.30pm ONLY on Fridays (charges apply).


To make a payment see the separate tab. Details below of direct bank payments.

Please use your child’s name and the following codes to identify payment.

CHC  Childcare/Activity clubs only, BC - Breakfast Club DM  - Dinner Money Trip - Any school trip

You will need these bank details for the school account.

Bank Name: Lloyds TSB   

Account Name: The Willow Primary School  

Sort Code: 30-99-86

Account Number: 00858137


We also use the school comms app for all financial transactions including childcare/trips - please see how to join it here

For further information on our school childcare booking system - read here